How much is canary bird

Canaries are delightful little birds, known for their vibrant colours and cheerful songs. If you’re considering bringing one into your home, it’s crucial to understand the costs involved, both upfront and ongoing. This guide provides a comprehensive breakdown of how much you can expect to spend on a canary in 2024, covering everything from initial costs to monthly expenses and additional factors.

Bringing Home a New Canary: One-Time Costs

When you bring a canary home, initial costs include the price of the bird itself, which ranges from £20 to £150 depending on whether you adopt or buy from a breeder. Additionally, setting up your canary’s habitat involves purchasing a cage, accessories, and supplies, with initial expenses typically totalling between £80 and £200. Even if you obtain a canary for free, these setup costs remain essential.


While it’s rare to find a canary for free, you might encounter situations where someone needs to rehome their bird. In such cases, you could potentially receive a canary at no cost. However, even if the bird itself is free, remember that you’ll still need to invest in the necessary setup and supplies.


Adopting a canary from a rescue organisation or shelter can be a cost-effective option. Adoption fees typically range from £20 to £50. This fee often includes initial veterinary checks and sometimes even a starter kit of supplies. Adoption not only provides a home to a bird in need but also tends to be more affordable than buying from a breeder.


If you choose to purchase a canary from a breeder, expect to pay more. Prices vary based on the canary’s breed, colour, and lineage. On average, a canary from a reputable breeder can cost between £50 and £150. Rare colours and show-quality birds can be significantly more expensive, sometimes reaching £300 or more.

Initial Setup and Supplies

Setting up a comfortable and safe environment for your new canary involves several initial expenses:

  • Cage: £40 to £100
  • Cage Accessories: £20 to £50 (includes perches, toys, and feeding dishes)
  • Bird Food: £10 to £20 (initial stock)
  • Bedding: £5 to £15
  • Water Bottles or Bowls: £5 to £10

In total, the initial setup can cost anywhere from £80 to £200 depending on the quality and size of the cage and accessories.

List of Canary Care Supplies and Costs

Maintaining your canary’s health and happiness requires a few essential supplies. Here’s a breakdown of typical costs:

Item Estimated Cost
Bird Seed (monthly) £5 to £10
Cage Liners (monthly) £2 to £5
Toys (occasional) £10 to £20
Calcium Supplements £3 to £7

Regularly refreshing your canary’s supplies ensures a healthy and stimulating environment.

How Much Does a Canary Cost Per Month?

Owning a canary involves several recurring expenses. Here’s a closer look at the monthly costs:

Health Care

Routine check-ups and preventive care are essential. Veterinary visits specifically for canaries can cost around £30 to £50 per visit. While you might not need monthly check-ups, budgeting for at least one vet visit per year is wise.


High-quality canary seed mixes or pellets are crucial for your bird’s diet. Monthly expenses for food typically range from £5 to £10. Consider also budgeting for occasional treats or supplements.


Canaries generally don’t need extensive grooming. Regular nail trimming and occasional baths are sufficient. Budget around £5 to £10 per month for grooming supplies like bird-safe shampoo and nail clippers.

Medications and Vet Visits

Unexpected health issues can arise, potentially increasing your costs. Set aside an additional £10 to £20 per month for potential medications or emergency vet visits.

Environment Maintenance

Keeping your canary’s cage clean is crucial for its health. Monthly costs for cage liners and cleaning supplies are approximately £2 to £5.


Canaries need mental stimulation to stay happy. Regularly purchasing new toys and accessories might cost £5 to £10 monthly.

Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Canary

Summarising the costs:

Expense Estimated Monthly Cost
Food £5 to £10
Health Care £30 to £50 (annually)
Grooming £5 to £10
Medications and Vet Visits £10 to £20
Environment Maintenance £2 to £5
Entertainment £5 to £10

Overall, expect to spend around £27 to £60 per month on your canary. This range covers food, grooming, environmental maintenance, and entertainment, but doesn’t include unexpected medical expenses.

Additional Costs to Factor In

Beyond the initial and monthly expenses, several factors can affect the overall cost of owning a canary. These include the bird’s colour, lineage, and sex. Rare colours and show-quality birds are more expensive, and males often cost more due to their singing abilities. Budgeting for these variables will help manage your total expenditure.


Canaries come in various colours, from vibrant yellows to deep reds. Rare colours often command higher prices. For instance, a red-factor canary might cost more than a standard yellow one, impacting both the purchase price and potential breeding costs.


Show-quality canaries, known for their specific features and exceptional appearance, are more expensive. These birds might cost £100 to £300 or more due to their lineage and breeding history.

Male vs. Female

In general, male canaries are pricier than females due to their singing abilities, which are highly sought after. If you prefer a singing companion, budget for a male canary, which could add £20 to £50 to the initial cost.

Owning a Canary on a Budget

To keep costs manageable, consider adopting a canary from a rescue, buying supplies in bulk, and performing regular maintenance yourself. Implementing these strategies can significantly reduce both initial and ongoing expenses, making it easier to enjoy the companionship of your canary without overspending.

Saving Money on Canary Care

To manage costs, consider these tips:

  • DIY Cage Cleaning: Use homemade cleaning solutions instead of pricey commercial products.
  • Bulk Buying: Purchase bird food and supplies in bulk to save money.
  • Regular Health Checks: Monitor your canary’s health closely to avoid expensive emergency vet visits.
  • Adopt or Rescue: Opt for adoption to lower initial costs.

By implementing these strategies, you can enjoy the company of your canary without breaking the bank.


Owning a canary involves a range of costs, from the initial setup to ongoing monthly expenses. By understanding these costs and planning accordingly, you can ensure that you provide a happy, healthy life for your feathered friend. Whether you choose to adopt or buy from a breeder, remember that the joy of having a canary is well worth the investment.

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