Why Do Cats Sneeze?

Why Do Cats Sneeze?

It’s quite common to see a cat sneeze, but as a cat owner, you might wonder what’s behind that cute little  achoo. Sneezing, after all, is a reflex …

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How Big Do Goldfish Get?

How Big Do Goldfish Get?

Goldfish are a popular pet, well-known for their vibrant colours and easy-going nature. But there’s often confusion about just how big they can grow. From the small goldfish …

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How Long Do Goldfish Live?

How Long Do Goldfish Live?

Goldfish are one of the most popular pet fish around the world, cherished for their vibrant colours and ease of care. However, many new goldfish owners are unaware …

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Are Lilies Poisonous To Cats?

Are Lilies Poisonous To Cats?

Lilies, including calla lilies, Oriental lilies and peace lilies, are considered highly toxic to cats. Ingesting even small amounts of their flowers, leaves, stems or pollen can cause …

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Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

Cats licking their owners can seem strange, but there are several important reasons why cats show this behavior. Understanding the meaning behind a cat’s licks can help foster …

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What Smells Do Cats Hate?

What Smells Do Cats Hate?

Cats have an extremely keen sense of smell that allows them to navigate the world. However, their sensitive noses also mean certain strong smells are unpleasant. Many common …

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