Can Birds Eat Hemp Seeds?

Hemp seeds are a trending topic in bird nutrition, but many bird owners are left wondering if these small, nutrient-dense seeds are safe for their feathered friends. From questions about their benefits to concerns about their bad reputation,

 it’s important to understand how hemp seeds fit into a bird’s diet. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about feeding hemp seeds to birds, including their safety, nutritional value, and how they compare to other common seeds.

Why Do Hemp Seeds Have a Bad Rep?

Despite their nutritional value, hemp seeds have been associated with cannabis due to their origin from the Cannabis sativa plant. While they come from the same species, hemp seeds are non-psychoactive and contain minimal THC (the compound responsible for the “high” in cannabis). Yet, the stigma persists. 

Many still mistakenly believe that feeding hemp seeds to birds could have harmful effects, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, protein, and other nutrients beneficial for birds.

Myth Busting Hemp Seeds for Birds

  • Hemp seeds are NOT psychoactive: They contain less than 0.3% THC.
  • Nutrient-packed: These seeds are a great source of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, important for bird health.
  • Not harmful: Hemp seeds do not contain any harmful substances that would negatively affect birds.

Are Hemp Seeds Safe for Birds?

In short, yes! Hemp seeds are not only safe but also highly nutritious for birds. They are easily digestible and packed with nutrients that can benefit birds of all species. However, just like any other food, moderation is key. Overfeeding can lead to imbalances in their diet, so it’s important to mix hemp seeds with other seeds or bird foods.

Key Nutrients in Hemp Seeds:

  • Protein: Supports muscle development and feather growth.
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids: Promote healthy skin and feathers.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Including Vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and iron.

Hemp seeds are particularly beneficial for large birds such as parrots, but smaller species can also enjoy them as a treat or part of their regular diet.

What Are the Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds for Birds?

Hemp seeds are hailed as a superfood for birds, and for good reason. Here are some of the major health benefits of incorporating hemp seeds into a bird’s diet:

  • Feather health: The essential fatty acids in hemp seeds contribute to the health and shine of birds’ feathers.
  • Immune system boost: Hemp seeds contain antioxidants that help protect against diseases.
  • Better digestion: The fibre content in hemp seeds aids in digestion and can help prevent gastrointestinal issues in birds.
  • Energy source: Hemp seeds are calorie-dense, providing a quick energy boost for active birds.

Hemp Seed Nutritional Profile (Per 100g)

Nutrient Amount
Protein 31.56g
Omega-3 6.12g
Omega-6 18.58g
Vitamin E 1.5mg
Magnesium 700mg

Why Are Hemp Seeds Not a Part of Store-Bought Bird Food?

Despite their benefits, hemp seeds are often absent from store-bought bird food. This is largely due to the stigma associated with hemp and the legal complexities surrounding cannabis-related products. Although hemp seeds contain negligible THC, companies may avoid using them to prevent any association with illegal drugs. Additionally, hemp seeds can be more expensive than other bird seeds, making them less attractive for commercial bird food manufacturers.

Reasons Hemp Seeds Are Rare in Bird Food:

  • Misconceptions: The association with cannabis deters manufacturers.
  • Cost: Hemp seeds are pricier than many other common bird seeds.
  • Legal regulations: While hemp is legal in many places, some countries have strict regulations on hemp products.

The Downside of Hemp Seeds to a Bird’s Diet

Although hemp seeds are nutritious, there are some downsides to consider:

  • High fat content: Birds, especially smaller species, may gain weight if they eat too many hemp seeds.
  • Calcium imbalance: Hemp seeds are high in phosphorus, which can interfere with calcium absorption in birds if not balanced with calcium-rich foods.
  • Cost: Hemp seeds are more expensive than sunflower or safflower seeds, making them less economical for large-scale feeding.

Which Vitamin-Rich Seeds You Can Pair Hemp Seeds With?

Hemp seeds provide many benefits, but it’s important to balance them with other vitamin-rich seeds. Pairing hemp seeds with other seeds can enhance a bird’s nutrition and ensure a well-rounded diet.

Best Seeds to Pair with Hemp Seeds:

  • Sunflower seeds: Rich in vitamin E and a favourite among birds.
  • Safflower seeds: High in antioxidants and healthy fats.
  • Millet: A great source of magnesium and fibre.
  • Quinoa: Packed with protein and iron, great for muscle development.

Where to Buy Hemp Seed for Birds

Finding high-quality hemp seeds for birds can be a challenge, but they are available from various online and local sources. When buying hemp seeds, always choose organic, raw seeds to ensure your birds are consuming the purest form of the seed, free from pesticides or other contaminants.

Recommended Retailers for Bird-Grade Hemp Seeds:

  • Amazon: A wide range of raw, organic hemp seeds.
  • Specialist bird shops: Often stock hemp seeds specifically for avian diets.
  • Health food stores: Some carry raw hemp seeds suitable for birds.

Can Birds Eat Chia Seeds?

Yes! Chia seeds are another superfood that birds can safely enjoy. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, chia seeds can be a nutritious addition to your bird’s diet.

Benefits of Chia Seeds:

  • Promote heart health.
  • Support healthy feather growth.
  • Provide essential vitamins like B3, calcium, and phosphorus.

Can Birds Eat Flax Seeds?

Flax seeds are also safe for birds and provide similar health benefits to hemp seeds. Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can help improve feather condition and overall vitality.

Can Birds Eat Pumpkin Seeds?

Pumpkin seeds are not only safe but also packed with protein and zinc, which support immune health and feather development. They are especially good for larger birds like parrots and pigeons.

What Does Hemp Seed Do for Pigeons?

Pigeons, especially racing pigeons, benefit greatly from hemp seeds. Hemp seeds provide energy and help with muscle recovery after long flights, making them an ideal supplement for performance birds.

Is Hemp Bird-Safe?

Yes, hemp is bird-safe, and there’s no risk of psychoactive effects. It’s completely safe to feed your birds hemp seeds in moderation, whether they’re small finches or large parrots.

Are Any Seeds Bad for Birds?

While many seeds are healthy for birds, there are some to avoid. Apple seeds, cherry pits, and avocado seeds contain toxins that can be harmful or fatal to birds.


Do Chickens Eat Hemp Seeds?

Yes, chickens can safely eat hemp seeds. The protein and omega-3 content are especially beneficial for laying hens.

Who Should Not Eat Hemp Seeds?

While hemp seeds are safe for most birds, some species with sensitive digestive systems might experience issues. Always introduce new foods gradually.

What Is the Effect of Feeding Hemp Seed Meal to Laying Hens?

Feeding hemp seed meal to laying hens can improve the omega-3 content of their eggs, making them healthier for human consumption.


Hemp seeds can be a fantastic addition to a bird’s diet, offering essential nutrients that promote health and vitality. However, it’s important to balance them with other seeds and to feed them in moderation. Whether you’re caring for chickens, parrots, or pigeons, hemp seeds are a safe and beneficial option for your feathered companions.

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