How to Tell if a Cat is a Boy or a Girl

To determine the gender of a cat, gently part its fur around its rear end area. Male cats will have visible testicles located in a scrotum below the base of the penis. Females will not have any testes visible in the genital region. 

Their opening will be located closer to the base of the tail. While coat color or behavior may sometimes provide secondary clues, carefully examining the cat’s genitals is the only definitive way to tell for certain if it is a boy or a girl.

Handling Kittens

Handling kittens is important to get them used to human contact from a young age. It also allows you to examine their genitals to determine their gender. Gently pick up the kitten with one hand supporting its hindquarters and the other around its chest. Keep your hands cupped so they feel secure. Check for signs of gender as outlined below.

Identifying the Genitals

Examine the area around the kitten’s rear end to identify its gender. Male kittens will have visible testicles that hang in a scrotum. The opening of the urethra is located under the base of the penis. Female kittens will not have any visible testes and the vaginal opening will be located closer to the base of the tail.

Coat Colour

Coat colour can sometimes indicate gender, but it is not a definite sign. Calico and tortoiseshell coats are nearly always female as these colours require two X chromosomes. Orange tabbies are more commonly male but females are possible. Most other coat patterns come in both genders.


Male kittens tend to be more rambunctious and aggressive in play compared to females. This does not apply to all kittens, however. Behaviour alone cannot determine gender.

How to tell if a cat is a boy or a girl kitten

The most reliable way is to check the kitten’s genital area as described above. Gently part the fur to examine and identify testes in males or lack thereof in females. Handling kittens from a young age also makes this easier when they are older.


How to tell if a cat is a boy or a girl by face

A cat’s face alone cannot reliably indicate gender. Sometimes feminine facial features like smaller jaw/chin and wider-set eyes are more common in females, but there is too much variation between individual cats. Genital examination remains the most accurate method.


How to tell if a cat is a boy or a girl after being fixed

For neutered male cats, you may be able to feel small bumps where the testes were removed during neutering surgery. Spayed female cats will have no such bumps and their vulva area will appear streamlined with no vaginal opening visible.

How to tell if a cat is a boy or a girl baby

See above sections on how to identify kitten genitals. Coat colour can also provide clues for tortoiseshell or calico kittens which are almost always female. Their behaviour may also provide minor indications, but genitals are the surest method.

 How to tell if a cat is a boy or a girl picture

Pictures alone cannot reliably show a cat’s gender unless they clearly depict the animal’s genital area as described above. Close-up pictures are needed to see the configuration that identifies males vs females.

How can I tell my cat’s gender?

The most accurate method is to carefully examine your cat’s genital area. For intact males check for presence of testes in scrotum. For neutered males you may feel small bumps where testes were. Females will lack any testes/bumps and have streamlined vulva region.

How do you know if your cat is female or male?

See the sections above outlining how to identify feline genitals. Checking for testes in intact males or their remnants in neutered males. Females will lack any testicular or similar structures in their urogenital area. Coat colour and very minor behaviour hints can also provide clues in some cases.


Can cats identify gender?

Cats have a keen sense of smell and can identify other animals’ scents marked with pheromones that indicate gender. They do not rely on visual cues like humans do.

How can you tell if a cat is a boy or girl by face?

A cat’s face alone cannot reliably indicate its gender. At most, some tendencies in facial structure correlate more with one gender on average, but there is too much natural variation between individuals. Checking the genitals remains the definitive method.

Are black cats usually male?

No, the gene that codes for black coat colour is not sex-linked. Black fur can occur in both male and female cats at approximately equal rates. Coat colour does not determine gender.

Final Thoughts

In summary, to definitively determine if a kitten or cat is male or female, gently examining its genital area remains the most reliable method. Checking for testes in intact males or their remnants in neutered males. Females will lack any testes present. Coat colour and behaviour may provide secondary clues in some cases but cannot replace an actual physical examination. With patience and by handling kittens from a young age, you can easily identify their gender and best care for your furry friend.

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