What Fish Can Live with Goldfish?

Goldfish are popular pets known for their vibrant colours and peaceful nature. However, finding suitable tank mates can be tricky, as not all fish share the same requirements or temperaments. This guide will explore the best and worst companions for goldfish, ensuring your aquatic friends live harmoniously together.

Only Child

Goldfish can thrive as the sole occupant in their tank. They are quite content living alone, allowing them to have the entire space to themselves. This setup simplifies tank management, as you only need to cater to the needs of one species. Plus, solitary goldfish often exhibit less stress and can live longer when they don’t have to compete for resources or territory.

Other Goldfish

Keeping multiple goldfish together can be an excellent option, provided you have a sufficiently large tank. Goldfish are social creatures and generally enjoy the company of their kind. However, there are a few things to consider:

  • Size: Ensure your tank is large enough. A general rule of thumb is 20 gallons for the first goldfish and an additional 10 gallons for each subsequent fish.
  • Varieties: Mixing different types of goldfish, such as fancy goldfish and comets, can be done but be aware of their different growth rates and care needs.

Types of Goldfish

  1. Common Goldfish: Hardy and active, ideal for larger tanks.
  2. Fancy Goldfish: Have delicate fins and require more stable conditions.

Ornamental Minnows

Ornamental minnows, like the White Cloud Mountain Minnow, can make good tank mates for goldfish. They are small, peaceful, and can tolerate the cooler temperatures that goldfish prefer. Here are a few notable species:

  • White Cloud Mountain Minnow: Prefers temperatures between 18-22°C (64-72°F), making them compatible with goldfish.
  • Rosy Red Minnow: Similar temperature range and behaviour.

Advantages of Ornamental Minnows

  • Compatibility: Peaceful nature and similar water temperature needs.
  • Size: Small size reduces the risk of goldfish bullying.


Snails are excellent companions for goldfish, offering benefits such as algae control and minimal interaction. Some popular choices include:

  • Nerite Snails: Known for their algae-eating habits and minimal bioload.
  • Mystery Snails: Larger but still compatible, providing additional cleaning.

Benefits of Adding Snails

  • Algae Control: Helps maintain a clean tank.
  • Low Maintenance: Generally requires minimal care and doesn’t disrupt goldfish.

Not Recommended Goldfish Tank Mates

Some fish simply don’t mesh well with goldfish. Here are a few to avoid:

Betta Fish

Betta fish are aggressive and territorial, making them unsuitable for a tank with goldfish. They are better kept alone or with other peaceful species in a separate tank.


Plecostomus can grow quite large and may outcompete goldfish for resources. They also require warmer water, which isn’t ideal for goldfish.


Guppies are small and can be a target for goldfish, which may nibble on their fins. Their differing water temperature needs also pose a problem.

Tips For Keeping A Goldfish Tank

  1. Tank Size: Opt for a large tank to accommodate goldfish growth.
  2. Water Quality: Regularly check and maintain water parameters, including temperature, pH, and ammonia levels.
  3. Feeding: Provide a balanced diet suitable for goldfish and avoid overfeeding.
  4. Filtration: Use a high-quality filter to keep the tank clean.

Fish To Pair With Goldfish

Zebra Danios

Zebra Danios are hardy and can adapt well to the cooler temperatures of a goldfish tank. They are active and help keep the tank lively.

Ornamental Minnows

As previously mentioned, ornamental minnows like White Cloud Mountain Minnows are excellent choices due to their compatibility with goldfish.

Other Goldfish

Goldfish can coexist peacefully with their own kind in a well-sized and maintained tank, enjoying a communal environment.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right tank mates for your goldfish is crucial for their well-being. By selecting appropriate species like other goldfish, ornamental minnows, and snails, you can create a harmonious aquatic environment. Avoid incompatible fish such as bettas and plecostomus to ensure a peaceful tank.

With the right combinations and proper care, your goldfish can thrive and share their home with compatible companions. Happy fishkeeping

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